Every Martial Arts B-Movie Ever
Original Song: "Annie's Song" by John Denver
Parody Performed By: Skip Briggs
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You beat up my father
And you beat up my brother
And you beat up my uncle
And you beat up my friends
I asked you to stop it
Then you beat up my hamster
So o.k. I'm mad now
And I'll get revenge
I started training
Did a bunch of speed punches
Did some kicks in slow motion
And a knuckle push up
Then I knew I was ready
So I searched through the country
I finally found you
And you beat me up
[hi-ya, hi-ya...]
But along came a sensei
He taught me Kung Pao
And also ToFu
I told him my story
Of how you beat my hamster
But he said I should move on
Let the past be the past
So I found inner peace then
And the next time I saw you
I said I forgive you
Then I kicked your ass