Parodyman - Song Parodies by Rex Ungericht

Answers to the burning questions you always wanted to ask.

If you have a question, send it to and it might appear on this page.

So, are you like Weird Al?

Excellent question! Let's compare. Al writes song parodies and original songs, arranges, sings, plays instruments, tours, acts, directs...and I write song parodies. So yea, we're pretty much the same.

Can I perform your parodies?

Please do! And if you would be so kind, let your audience know that you got the parody from (Also, I would love for you to send me a recording of your performance -- let me know if I can post it on this website.)

Can I perform your parodies for money?

Absolutely! I only ask that if you start making a bunch of money from my parodies, please consider sharing the wealth.

Can I sell copies of your parodies for money?

If it's copies of you performing the parodies, then by all mean go ahead and sell sell sell! However, if you want to resell copies of the parodies from the website and/or the CDs, then the answer is a qualified no. Those performances are for promotional purposes only and are not to be sold, unless you receive permission from the performer. If you start making a bunch of money from your sales, please consider sharing the wealth.

Can I play your parodies on my radio/TV/web show?

Yes, please do, as often as you want. Please credit the performer. And if you would be so kind, a mention of is always appreciated.

Can I link to your parodies? Can I post your parodies on my blog/website?

Yes, please do, as often as you want. If you post the lyrics (instead of just a link) be sure to mention you got them from

Can I change the lyrics of your parodies?

Of course! If you change them a little I still ask that you credit when you use them. If you change them a lot then you have created your own parody and you don't need to credit (unless you want to). The distinction between "a little" and "a lot" has been the subject of much legal debate, so I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly where the first ends and the second begins, but if you've changed it so much that you think it's a new song chances are I'll agree with you.

Can I make a video and use your parodies as the soundtrack?

Absolutely, as long as you give credit to the performer or to for the tunes. If you post the video on YouTube or another public video-sharing site, please send me the link so I can add it to If you start making a bunch of money from your videos, please consider sharing the wealth.

You seem to be ok with people using your parodies pretty much any way they want. So why do you copyright them?

About the only reason I post a copyright notice is for defense in case of plagiarism. I'm ok with you doing pretty much anything you want with my parodies as long as you don't claim you wrote them or use them for evil.

Do you make a lot of money writing parodies?

Not yet, but if you want to produce and promote an album of my work and make both of us famous and rich, I would not be opposed. You can also make a donation by clicking on the Donate button below. All donations go toward the expenses of this website. Or beer. Sweet, sweet beer.

How the &*^% do you pronounce your name?

Really, how hard is it to pronounce Rex? Oh, you mean Ungericht. Although my last name is of German origin, I was born in Ohio like my father before me. We use an Americanized pronunciation: "Unger-rite". Although I'm thinking of having my name legally changed to Parodyman.

Why don't all of your parodies have recordings?

I am not a musician. I am not a singer. So I'm constantly stalking people who can sing and play instruments. As a result, I have recordings of well over 100 parodies. And an impressive collection of restraining orders that I keep framed on the wall.

How did get started?

It's all the fault of James Jancik, the Black Knight of talk radio and host of the Black Knight & Squire G (BKSG) show. Squire G (Gary Hermann) found one of my parodies on and asked permission to perform it on the show. After that, I kept sending in parodies, and Jim and Gary kept performing them. Then one day Jim said "you need your own website". So I went forth and HTML'd. Initially, I tried a couple of free website services before finally reaching into my wallet and paying for in November of 2006. And the world has never been the same.

All parody lyrics on this site copyright © Rex Ungericht.   All rights reserved.   Contact Rex by sending email to